
Breaking News: You and I Are OK

Nowhere in my human contract does it state I need to be perfect.  What does that even mean anyway? Those familiar with my story know there have been many years of soul-searching, excavating, dieting, therapy, self-help reading, triple-digit weight losses followed by thundering rebounds, 12-step meetings, and personal-best evolvement.






There’s always more to learn, always more to know… But at some point it really is OK to say guess what? I think I’m all right. Self-reparation has officially concluded. Time to get on with my Life, and all its attendant luxuries that I’ve been missing out on… You know like fun, joy, and feeling content for no reason. ????




I Don’t Need to Be Forgiven…Do You?

Newsflash: obsessing on the external does not bring happiness. And you can take my years of to the bank!






Free Hug Accepted

Spinach Mousse

There I was on a cold and dreary November afternoon, faced with the knowledge that the fresh spinach I bought two day ago was in peril of entering the wilting stage. Never much of a vegetable-lover, I just wasn’t in the mood for my usual method of making spinach disappear down the gullet quickly and painlessly: juicing. Being a Kapha, a cold glass of vegetable juice during late fall and winter months makes me ever more adverse to the green stuff than I already am.

And since I haven’t perfected a spinach soup recipe…yet, here’s what I did instead: a super-quick version of spinach quiche, no crust, of course. And when you taste this amazing concoction, you won’t miss it, I promise. Because I was pressed for time, I skipped the step (which I realize now is unnecessary) of sautéing the spinach in a wok. Using raw spinach works great, and also adds a slight crunch.

But first, more on what inspired my latest creation, besides two containers of fresh spinach that needed a purpose – STAT! After a full morning and early afternoon of sessions with coaching clients, I was HUNGRY and short on time. It’s moments like these when I’m grateful for following certain rules I keep so I’ll never be caught off guard when I need a quick and healthy meal. In this case:



Clean Eating Rule 1 – Always keep plenty of eggs in stock. They’re as versatile as they are indispensible, as a baking ingredient, or on their own as a casserole, salad, or fried sunny in the pan.

Clean Eating Rule 2 – Have at least 1 8-ounce log of chevre in the refrigerator. I seldom eat chevre on its own, but rely on it as a heavy cream and cream cheese substitute in sweet and savory recipes.

Clean Eating Rule 3 – Own a food processor if you don’t already. They save labor and often do the job better than most mortals trying to chop, dice, or blend by hand. Food processors are affordable and run the gamut from simple to grandiose. And if you buy one through the right retail outlet or home shopping network, you may be able to land an interest-free payment plan.



The three above simple rules, coupled with having a pantry filled with healthy oils and spices will take you FAR. Not to mention save you money. And because I was actively practicing them today, I was able to make a delicious, clean, and low-carb lunch I’ve named Spinach Mousse. Easy. Delicious. Nutritious.

With no further adieu, you’ll need the following:


10 ounces of fresh spinach

6 eggs

1 8-ounce log of chevre, room temperature if possible

1 medium onion, peeled and quartered

1 food processor

1 8×10 brownie pan, glass if possible

Cooking spray


Preheat oven to 330. Place the spinach in the food processor. It won’t all fit, but pulse a few bunches at a time until it’s all finely chopped. Add eggs and blend well. Add onion quarters, two at a time and blitz until they’re diced. Finally, add the chevre and blitz until mixture is a creamy batter. Spray the baking pan and scrape batter into it, using a rubber spatula. Bake 20-30 minutes until set, but not dry and cracked…you want a creamy, mousse-like texture. But…if you’re one who must have their eggs hard and dry…do what’s best for you.



Serve immediately and enjoy! Optional: spread a tablespoon of room-temperature butter over the top of the Spinach Mousse while it’s still steaming hot and let it melt in. YUM!

Full disclosure: I baked mine in a toaster oven. They do the job much more quickly than a conventional oven so I pulled my Spinach Mousse out after only 15 minutes at 300. I hope you’ll share with me how you like YOUR version…Bon Appetit!


Bet you can’t eat just three…

Practicing What I Preach

Ladies & Gentleman, I have an announcement to make: menopause is LOSING! It took 3 months of unmitigated grit, and now the tunic I purchased as incentive and could barely get over my head in April FITS! 

 This unavoidable passage has been a humbling Life Lesson in so many ways, not the least of which has been hand-delivering the need for me to check my pride and ego at the door.

Just when I thought I’d be coasting at my goal range, menopause and all its attendant symptoms barged into my life like a noisy, unwelcome freight train…carrying an extra-wide caboose in tow. I laughed at the first few pounds: “Ha-ha-ha, I can just metabolize it away with more cardio!” Thousands of steps later and not an iota of change, I became alarmed. So I swung into action. My friends who had already completed the fire-walk warned me about the girdle of fat around the middle that is impervious to exercise and calorie-cutting. I thought they were being drama queens – it made no biological sense. But let me tell you. Menopause is one tough opponent.

And after a series of doubling down, getting discouraged and giving up, then doubling down and getting discouraged again, I realized it’s best to not treat this unavoidable process like an enemy. There’s some anthropological reason that it occurs, I can’t stop it, but I can manage it as best I can. And I had to reach into my tool box and really work at practicing what I’m preaching. I began to focus more on loving my body and listening to it than making it work overtime. I increased the positive self-talk and Gratitude aimed at my beautiful body for all it does for me. And I consulted with a professional. It has taken well over a year to get a handle on this situation and I couldn’t have done it without the guidance of functional medicine specialist & nutritionist Nancy Guberti.

Releasing the menopause weight also required me saying Hasta La Vista to white carbs, reassessing portions, eliminating food at least 2 hours before bedtime, regular DDPYOGA workouts, 3-5 mile walks and a bit of weight-lifting for the calorie-burning muscle to remain intact. For the first time since the train roared in, I feel encouraged & hopeful. It is work to be sure. And menopause is also a mild challenge compared to the burdens others are dealing with. I completely understand that. I also effuse gratitude that my weight loss transformation occurred well before my 50’s. Can you imagine what I’d look and feel like with my former habits going at full speed? I shudder to think.

So after I write this, I’ll finish my lemon water, lace up my walking shoes and get to work. The rest of the day will be spent getting work done, listening to my body, learning to live with less food, staying hydrated, and yes…having some fun. An essential element to transformation and recovery.  I’m staying strong, hanging in, and going the distance!


From discouragement to triumph!

Working Harder…Outshining the Detractors

Picture it: New York City, March of 2000. There I am in the Hearst Building, otherwise known as the beehive of American magazine publishing. Clutching my reporter’s notebook and a brand-new pen, I stride into the marbled lobby, all 330 pounds of me. I’m coiffed, immaculately accessorized, city-chic in all-black, and I’m heading into the offices of Cosmopolitan magazine.

Not the offices of Cosmo, but you get the picture…



That’s right. Cosmo. The home of wispy-thin cover models and pages of sage monthly sex tips on ‘how to make your hot sex life even hotter!’ Deep stuff sells. And Cosmo is certainly proof of that. For anyone who doesn’t know, Cosmopolitan is all about women aspiring to be FAB-U-LUUUS. And that starts with looking flawless.


Did I mention that my destination on the 37th floor was the inner lair of this shrine to female perfection? Yes, I was about 200 pounds over the acceptable weight limit by Cosmo-standards, but the other truth at play in this scenario is, after a lifetime of berating myself, I’d decided I’d had enough. So why not embrace the polaric opposite of wispy-thin and not simply accept myself, but CELEBRATE who I am in all it’s glory? I’m bigger than most women, so what? Is that a reason to cower in shame? For years I believed it was. Then one day I realized how ridiculous that was. I put the car of my mind chatter in reverse and did a 180. That sort of “Chappy Chutzpah” is how I got the gig to interview the magazine’s editor-in-chief. Which is why on that magical day 17 years ago, I was being escorted by a polite assistant to Kate White’s corner office for what turned out to be a voluptuous and very interesting interview…for both parties.


There’s something about being looked at as handicapped or less-than that makes one want, or perhaps need to try harder, do better, achieve greater heights. I knew full well that I was judged by my appearance. Lazy, less-than-competent, dull-minded were some of the misconceptions people put on me because of my largeness. So, (and this turned out to be a gift) I had to work a little harder than the average reporter. I did whatever it took to prove that a fat woman can be searingly insightful. Also intelligent. Also hard working. And quick on her feet.


“Stacey, I want to tell you something,” Kate White said when our 3 hours was up and she walked me back to the elevator. “This is the best interview I’ve ever had. You asked great questions….better than The Today Show, which I was just on.” I stood there stunned, elated, and grateful. Ms. White was not only a gracious interview subject, she freely gave praise and credit when it was due. I thanked her profusely and as she waved goodbye, she made a promise to send off a note of praise to my boss. Which she did. But he ended up hiding it from me. And that’s another show, Oprah, but my ensuing verbal scuffle with the boss was just another glowingly-won battle in the war I waged to repair my self-esteem and stick up for myself in a world that said I wasn’t worth a heck of a lot.


I share all this with you to make a point: The diet industry misses the mark in ways that are too numerous to enumerate. But one of them is this: manipulating calories and losing weight won’t cause a life-changing breakthrough for most people. For emotional eaters and escape artists like myself, focusing on getting the weight off is putting the cart before the horse. It was a far more urgent matter for me to address the non-existent self-esteem and start buttressing it from the subterranean on up. And that place happened to be at a weight that exceeded most NFL linebackers. So what? I didn’t murder anyone, or steal money, or hurt someone’s children. In my estimation, those are the three valid reasons for bearing shame. Weight just isn’t in that category and it never should have been to begin with.


On the way to the theater in Williamstown, Mass. Always accessorized. Always.


Many of you who have read my cookbook-memoir “Clean Comfort” know the denouement of my life story. I continue on as a 300-pound woman for nearly 20 years. One snowy day in January 2009, life gives me a series of wake-up calls. I’m ready to listen. And back up that listening with taking sane and measured action on the wake-up calls. In the process, I give 180 pounds the pink slip.


I didn’t just wake up one day and decided this should happen. It took years of steady work, healing my wounds, and honoring myself in a world that said I had no right to be honored. These are the brass tacks of transformation. They have nothing to do with sweating at a gym or adhering to a particular food plan. Those are simply ancillary mechanics that aid with the calories in-calories out equation.


Solid change from within is what it takes for an emotional eater to spring herself from the hamster wheel. And that requires all those wonderful intangibles most weight loss gurus don’t go near because, well, it simply isn’t profitable for them. But that’s the good news-bad news moral of the story. The answers are within you. And only you can decide that the time has finally come to believe in yourself.


Oh yes, and PS, it’s going to feel really weird at first. Please don’t let that deter you.







One of the many options for coping with stress

Food doesn’t solve a thing…its escapism and comfort-call are but illusions. However…


I flipped off the news 40 minutes ago, adhered the headphones, and set out on a walk into the morning sun. There are horrific things going on in other locations on the planet, but here I am.  What do I do with the knowledge I have, thanks to 24-hour news? I feel empathy. I send prayers. I hope for better times and more empathetic actions from others in the future. And I realize amid the chaotic evil that has its own cyclonic power.  I still feel the presence of Light within and around me. It is real. I do more than acknowledge it. I call to it, play with it, nurture it.

My pace quickens involuntarily and I walk towards the sun. It soaks into me and increases that Light. I notice how good this feels and welcome it. A wave of beautiful fragrance has reached me. I look around for its source and see blossoms ahead. Delicate, powerful, and simple. I stop to inhale the sweetness, another reminder about what is true, what is here now. What I can be thankful for. While others suffer, it’s the best choice I can make. It’s true that others are going through horrible experiences; and it’s also true that I am feeling tremendous amounts of Love and Gratitude. I’m both cynical and realistic enough to know from loads of experience that I don’t always feel this way. There’s many a day when the Light within vanishes and I feel hopeless. All the more reason to embrace the Light while it’s so inexplicably abundant.  It is selfish in the most positive of ways because it’s something I will share with those around me. TheButterflyEffect. No matter how small its currents, they spread and spread.

May there be Peace On Earth.



Taking time to Be…